Monday, September 1, 2008

Stale Cake.... McCain's Catholic Problem

The last time a major hurricane hit the Gulf Coast region, Bush and McCain had some cake, and well - we all know the rest of the story.

Gustaf is not an oppertunity for a do over. McCain is running for President and a hurricane is not the oppertunity for a photo-op, nor is a political convention the place to act as if the past three years post-Katrina did not happen.

While many Katrina survivors are still living in FEMA trailers, John McCain is asking Americans to elect him President so he can continue the failed policies of the past.

Catholic organizations have joined other faith organizations to step in and fill the gap to help re-build New Orleans, while the Bush /McCain policies of the past failed the victims of Katrina.

Catholic Voters know that Barrack Obama will not leave Americans stranded without aid or water during a national disaster. Catholic voters know Barrack Obama is a man of action, not a man of empty rhetoric, broken promises and legacies of handing out "atta boy's" to "Brownie" in times of great need. McCain promises more of the same.

Americans can not afford a continuation of the failed status quo and the cake that Bush/McCain are serving up is stale.