Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catholic Democrats find strong push-back from bishops

Had a small mention in this recent RNS article:

But as the "Meet the Press" controversy demonstrates, talking about faith can be harder than it sounds. That's especially true for Catholic politicians, who are measured against 2,000 years of church tradition and doctrine.

"I don't think it's the place of politicians to get into theological debates," said Eric McFadden, who directed Catholic outreach for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. "Congresswoman Pelosi and Sen. Biden probably should have spoken more from the heart about how Catholic teaching affects their thinking and their policy positions."
Read the entire story here.

I also stated, but it was not included that the Bishop’s are conflicted on the state of life. They argue that all abortion--at every stage of conception--is a sin against life but they do not condemn war or nuclearization that guarantees the mass loss of life or capital punishment. It is the inconsistency of their ‘life’ arguments that confuse the people.