Monday, September 1, 2008

McCain's Catholic Problem: McCain / Republicans out of touch on Abortion with Convention Platform

John McCain and the Republican party continue to demonstrate how they are out of touch not only with Catholics, but mainstream Americans. In a move placate the religious right, ala Sarah Palin, the Republican Party recently removed abortion reduction language from their platform according to a recent AP story. Instead McCain's Republican party has taken the low road and inserted language to satisfy the extremist hard liners of the Republican Party.

Instead of looking to unite the country and work for common purpose and the common good to empower women to make other choices regarding their baby besides abortion, the Republican Party and McCain would turn the clock back in this country with the same rhetoric of the past thirty years, which has seen a recent increase under the oppressive economic policies of the Bush Administration.

Catholics United today released a statement calling on the Republican Party to reinstate language deleted from its proposed platform aimed at uniting Americans behind common ground solutions to reduce abortions.

Chris Korzen of Catholics United stated: “The Republican Party’s explicit decision to turn its back on bi-partisan efforts to reduce abortion leaves the appearance that political posturing is more important than actually delivering results. Our nation is desperate for leaders who can transcend the politics of division and unite all of us around practical solutions to the pressing moral issues of our day.”

“Catholics United welcomed the original platform language that called on all Americans to work together to reduce abortions. We implore delegates to the Republican National Convention to demand that party leaders reinstate this language as an essential component of building and maintaining a culture of life.”

Catholics are tired of the same tired failed policies and rhetoric of the past. Catholics that are truly Pro Life and not just Pro Birth, support abortion reduction policy that actually will have a realistic impact on abortions in this country and not just pay lip service to it as McCain and the Republicans have over the past thirty years.