Monday, September 15, 2008

Bush Doctrine??????

Why is the media not asking more questions? Charlie Gibson asked a completely reasonable question of Sarah Palin last week in his interview. A question that should and must be asked of any candidate seeking higher office in this country, especially one that will deal with foreign policy. The Bush Doctrine directly deals with Americas currently foreign policy, yet when Gibson asked Palin to discuss the Bush Doctrine, she simply dropped the ball and starred at him with the doe eyed blank look we have all become accustomed to seeing on her face. She may have been Mayor of the crystal meth capital of Alaska, but she is not prepared to hold high office in this country. Maybe lack of experience is forgivable, but lack of knowledge of the important issues of the day is inexcusable.

Of the four candidates for President and VP, Palin is the least known quantity. The media must follow the example of Gibson and ask the tough questions.

Maybe you can put lipstick on a pig, ala Bush and the economy - but ya can't polish a turd.