Sunday, September 28, 2008

Poll Finds Obama Won Debate - McCain continues to have problems with Catholic Voters

A new USA Today/Gallup Poll shows 46% of people who watched Fridaynight’s presidential debate say Sen. Barack Obama did a better job than Sen. John McCain; 34% said McCain did better.

It is no wonder. McCain looked at times as if he was impatient and grumpy. He went out of his way to avoid eye contact with Obama. That speaks to character, the character that Catholic voters will be looking for this election. If McCain can not look Obama in the eye, how can he look the American people in the eye in times of crisis?

The margin of error was +/- 4 percentage points.

With Obama ahead of the margin of error, independent voters and Catholic voters are receiving Obama's economic message with open arms. Meanwhile McCain and his cronies on Capital hill move to protect the golden parachutes and bottom lines of their banking buddies by stalling the bailout plan.

Catholic and independent voters are simply not being fooled by McCain's attempt to repackage his campaign as the agent of change.

Voters know that this country has wounds and when it comes to changing the band aid, they know that removing the band aid slowly and painfully ( McCain - Palin) is not the change that America needs.

America needs the band aid removed quickly and to heal correctly American needs Obama - Biden.