Monday, September 15, 2008

Democrats don't get Rednecks

Someday maybe Democrats will get the culture of the Heartland. Republicans long ago understood the value of "values voters". Democrats think it is all about Faith....but as Bill Clinton understood....there is much more to the values that the Bubba's and the Rednecks hold dear to their hearts. John McCain gets it, as evidenced by his stop by at the race yesterday. His wife gets it too. Dressed for the race in a ball cap and tee shirt. She is ready to go racin while supporting her husband. The sad thing is though, that while the Republicans know how to talk the talk, they do not walk the walk. Their policies hurt the type of folks at these races....the Dems help them - it is just the Dems just plain don't know how to talk to em. Dems should start taking notes.

More on this - "Why rednecks may rule the world"