Monday, September 22, 2008

Ohio Christian Radio Ad Connects with Economic Crisis, Plight of Ohioans

The Matthew 25 Network is running a new ad on Christian radio stations in Ohio connecting the Christian mandate to care for the least among us with the economic crisis in Ohio and around the country. Former Congressman Tony Hall, a pro-life Democrat from Dayton , Ohio is featured in the ad connecting his Christian faith to his endorsement of Barack Obama for President.

The ad entitled "When did we see you hungry?" is the first in a series of radio ads that the Matthew 25 Network will be releasing inspired by 25th Chapter in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus asks his followers to care for "the least of these."

This is great oppertunity for Catholics to consider other issues than the wedge issues that the right often uses as veneer to hide their failures. The economy is a life issue that directly impacts all other issues.

McCain's ongoing Catholic problem is that he is unable to resonate with folks on the economy. How on earth could a man who thinks the fundamentals of the economy are strong, flies in a private plane, drives thirteen cars and lives in seven homes across three time zones resonate with those who are struggling to get by in Ohio?

The Matthew 25 Network