Sunday, August 31, 2008

Attack the politics - not the person...

UPDATED: To rebut rumors, Palin says daughter, 17, pregnant

This is all so silly and really nobody's business. It actually speaks to the reality that many American families actually face everyday. Not the fairytale families that people like Dobson and Perkins promote.

Could you imagine the uproar over this, if Palin was a Democrat and Barrack Obama's running mate? The GOP would be in a frenzied furor. The tag "hypocrisy" can be added to this post now.

The judgment of McCain and Palin should be called into question here. Why did they seek to hide this and thus dragging this poor seventeen girl into this mess? There is plenty of stupidity to go around here. Over zealous bloggers, political operatives and campaigns that want to promote one version of a family when another is the reality. The question that now must be asked, why was the so called party and campaign of "family values" hiding this fact? Are they ashamed of a 17 year old girl who is pregnant?

Catholics will have more to consider this fall, especially in the arena of "family values". There is the Republican party which apparently is ashamed of teen pregnancies and the Democratic Party which is actually has policy in its platform to actually reduce the numbers of teen pregnancies through education. Studies confirm that teenagers armed with the appropriate information and with the involvement of parents, make better decisions.

Maybe more abstinence-only supporting politicians and wingnuts will realize the limits of such an approach. Our teenagers will do what they will do. Maybe Bristol Palin would've been benefited from a discussion about safe sex. Now at 17 she facing a wedding to a young man, who most likely has no job, no education and still lives with his parents.

Bloggers by the name of ArcXIX are just plain weird. What is ArcXIX? Go by your real name and do not hide behind Dungeon and Dragon names like ArcXIX.

Recently "ArcXIX" posted a blog entry over at Kos called "Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]" The basic premise of this entry, complete with pictures and all, is that McCain's Veep pick, Sarah Palin is not the mother of her newborn son, but actually the grandmother and her eldest daughter is the actually the father.

Of course the pictures prove nothing and the supporting evidence supplied by "ArcXIX" provide no citations or verified sources - and of course as of today - the story has fallen apart. Surprised?

I believe that Senator Obama has called for a different conversation this year. One that goes beyond the politics of smear and destruction.

If there are reasons to throw a person under the bus along with their family, then the person doing the throwing had better have some facts beyond an opinion based a few unverified photographs.

Sarah Palin is not qualified for the position of Veep for many reasons. Nor is the ticket of McCain/Palin qualified for the highest offices in this land, nor do they deserve the support of Americans considering they support the past eight years of George Bush. However they do deserve to be treated with some respect and dignity, especially when it comes to their families.

Catholics will find plenty to disagree with McCain/Palin this election, but Catholics are also charitable people, and personal attacks on family members will not gain much traction in our communities. It is too bad that those on the ultra fringe of both political spectrum's often choose to play in the gutter.

Disagree with the politics. Disagree with the position and the policy, but leave the family out of it.