Friday, August 29, 2008

Al Gore - Steward of the Enviroment

"I believe in recycling, but that is ridicules": Vice President Al Gore, referring to the prospect of of four more years of Bush and McCain....

I wanted to post our great former Vice President's speech last night, but I like every body else got caught up in the Obama speech and one of the greatest moments in American Political History.

Catholics had much to take away from last nights historic event in Denver, and Al Gore reminded us of a few. Catholics are charitable and Pro Family. Gore reminded us that Bush / Cheney who, indifferent to the facts, subordinated the good of the many for the good of the few.

As Catholics we are called to be good stewards of the environment and to care for Gods creation. This is a life issue. There are those forces of the status quo who are afraid of change, and want to distract Catholics from this prominent tenant of our faith.

Vice President Gore reminded us last night that Climate Change is a planetary emergency. It is also a national security issue as we will begin to see climate refugees destabilizing nations.

By addressing the Climate Change problem, investing in alternative energies and reducing carbon emissions, we can revive the economy and strengthen our nations security.

Stewardship of the environment and proactive action to address Climate Change is a life issue and it is a Catholic Value.

"Big Oil and coal have a 50 year lease on the Republican party and they are drilling it for all they are worth" - Al Gore - August 28th, DNC, Denver CO.