Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Denver Archbishop Chaput Should Resign

Pro Bush, Republican Archbishop Chaput of Denver should stop fooling himself and others and simply resign from his post and become a full time paid operative of the Republican Party, instead of the unpaid surrogate he is now.

Chaput has suggested that some politicians should forgo Communion due to their pro-abortion stance. Chaput has been a very staunch and partisan supporter of the Republican Party and George W. Bush. By doing so, Chaput has betrayed some of the very principles of the Catholic Faith and betrayed the flock he is entrusted with. Chaput should excuse himself from communion.

Instead of the Common Good and the tenants of Catholic Social Teaching, Chaput's partisan position supports Oil Companies and war contractors adding four trillion dollars to the national debt. He betrays his flock by supporting an administration that has the United States paying more for defense than anytime in history, and three times more for gasoline and home heating oil and twice what we paid for health care eight years ago.

The partisan agenda that Chaput supports has seen millions of Americans, many in Chaput's flock lose their jobs, homes, health care and pensions.

Chaput has been silent while an unjust war in Iraq cost thousands of American and Iraqi lives. The same war that has borrowed money from China to bomb bridges in Iraq, but has seen little money spent to build bridges at home.

Why has Chaput not spoken out about the torture and violations of international law that the Bush administration has supported, while alienating our allies and spending our children's inheritance?

Chaput should not be faulted for speaking out on abortion, but he should also speak out on other issues central to Catholic teaching and life. Instead Chaput seeks attention from the media for his ego and sales of his book. Instead of fighting for the rights of workers and fair wages, Chaput seeks photo ops with Bush and McCain. Instead of speaking out for fair trade, good jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure, Chaput sits by his phone waiting for a call from the Wall Street Journal.

Instead of working to protect our environment, health care for all, education for all and peace in our world, Chaput instead sides with the agents of the wealthy and big business while he betrays the Catholic Faith and flock he is charged with pastoral care.

If Chaput seeks to play politics,then he should indeed follow his vocation and step down as Archbishop and officially join the Republican party and thus ending the hypocrisy of his ministry.