Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Deal Hudson - "Captain Infanticide"

The 2008 Swift boaters have a new captain at the helm. His name is "Captain Infanticide", aka Deal Hudson. Being the ever divisive political hack that he is, Hudson has joined the swift boaters with false charges of "infanticide" against Barrack Obama. Websters defines "infanticide" as "the killing of an infant". To this date, there is no record of Barrack Obama killing any infants.

Instead of talking about ways to reduce the number of abortions, jobs, the economy, gas prices and the war, issues Catholics have a genuine stake in, Hudson would rather stay down in the divisive gutter and continue to run his smear campaign.

Seth Colter Walls article on the Huffington Post - The Next Smear Against Obama: "Infanticide" - not only highlights how Hudson is misleading people, but also once again reminds readers of his sordid past.

Catholics will not be fooled by this continued hypocrisy, when they cast their votes this fall.