Saturday, January 27, 2007

Give Peace a Chance

Tens of thousands of peaceful Americans expressed their Constitutional right to free speech today by protesting the war in Iraq. We did not make it down to the mall, but we know many of our friends were there. The usual cast of celebrity protesters showed up along with Rev. Jessie Jackson and Catholic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. Dennis you may remember was the sole anti war candidate in the 04 race. Talk about conviction politics!

While sad that Americans must take to the streets to protest this unjust war, it is encouraging that many Americans are turning into activists and care enough to give up their weekends to travel great distances by bus to get to our nations capital

Of course we now look forward to the chorus of wingnuts to talk about how the soldiers in Iraq are protecting our freedoms. Then they will turn the venom on the protesters claiming they are un- American and un- Patriotic for protesting the war. But are not the Soldiers over there protecting our freedoms - that include the right to dissent and protest? Freedom of speech? Or are they only protecting selected freedoms?

When did it go from "We the People" to "Me the President?"