Saturday, January 27, 2007

Eating their own

We always love it when the wingnuts begin to eat their own. A recent post from Coach Dave serves up the GOP as the main course. The Coach is under the impression that GWB and GOP strategists are more interested in pandering for the evangelical pro life vote than they are in ending the tragic act of abortion. We agree. The GOP has had 5 Presidents since Roe V Wade and a conservative majority over on SCOTUS, yet abortion continues on as the only option for many impoverished women in this country. Maybe the Coach would be interested in the team over at DFLA. They seem to have a reasonable workable approach to the abortion question. One that gives women more choices and opportunities to keep their babies instead of the tragic choice that so many of them currently make. Clearly the policies regarding abortion from the right are failed and 30 years is too long. A fresh new approach such as abortion reduction measures deserve a look.

There are things we can do to help the unborn right now - like expand health care coverage, education, adoption programs, ease the economic burdens on working families, and address endemic problems of greed, violence, sex, corruption, and materialism in our society. Thankfully, the new Congress is taking up many of these measures and we hope DFLA along with some faith groups will take some leadership on this.