Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The right wing SCHIP myth.

Deal Hudson is claiming there is a “Catholic” problem with SCHIP. He references Father Roger Landry, a Pro Republican Priest from Massachusetts as his reference. In his blog post, Deal points to the wild assertion that Fr. Landry makes regarding SCHIP

” It permits tax dollars to be used for sterilizations according to individual state policies. And worst of all, it promotes and funds abortions."

Well Deal – here are the facts: As you know, SCHIP is just a block grant to states, which set most of the eligibility and coverage guidelines, so it's doubtful that one could claim the bill "promotes" any type of medical procedure, including abortion or euthanasia. If anything, the individual states would be favoring or promoting one procedure over another. Giving the states the power to determine what they'll pay for (or "promote") isn't the same thing as forcing them to promote certain procedures. Deal, you should know this.

Deal should also know that even if it had gotten through, the Hyde amendment is still in place, which prohibits any federal money to fund an abortion.

In an October 2nd, 2007 letter to the National Catholic Register, Richard M. Doerflinger, Secretariat for “Pro-Life” Activities USCCB further debunks the myths reported by Fr. Landry and Hudson even further.

“it (SCHIP) does not turn the entire federal program into a nefarious plot to maximize abortions. Some political obstacles to the "unborn child" amendment, in fact have nothing to with abortion.

The Catholic Bishops' conference strongly supports retaining and expanding SCHIP, and we are working at every step of this process for the best possible legislation to safeguard the life and health for all children, born and unborn - notwithstanding obstacles to this goal coming from any part of the political spectrum.”
Surely Deal and Fr. Landry do not see themselves as obstacles to health-care for all children – born and unborn.

There is no Catholic problem with SCHIP - Only broad support.

Deal should take a closer look at the facts and who he is quoting in the future. We look for Deal to examine the fact further and to update his blog entry regarding SCHIP. With the Church firmly behind SCHIP expansion, we would hope Deal would not be the one lone dissenter.