Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Respect for Life - from Conception to Natural Death

As I ponder on the recent writings of some of our Neo Con friends regarding what is "Pro-Life", I am reminded of some of the basic teachings of the Catholic Church.

We are taught respect for the dignity and life of the human person, from conception to natural death. The foundation of all Catholic Social Teaching is an unwavering commitment to the dignity and worth of every human being without exception. The Book of Genesis teaches that every person is created in the image and likeness of God. Thus all human life, at every stage from conception through natural death, is sacred. The human person is the clearest reflection of God among us. We are therefore called to revere and cherish the life of every person.

In this day in our world, the climate is threatened, countries are at war, children go with out health-care, genocide goes unchecked, human rights are abused, abortion continues to be widely available, and millions live in poverty, Catholics should take the time to look into the mirror and then in the faces of those close to them, and then into the face of a stranger. The reflection should reveal what is sacred to us not only as Christians, but as humans sharing the same home.