Monday, October 1, 2007

Mail Bag: A letter to Deal Hudson

Dear Deal,

Your post regarding the Vatican's supposed rejection of our current Climate Crisis was indeed a compelling argument to a very select few.

Now I realize you have burned all of your Catholic bridges and your sole use now is that of a Republican operative, but how sad it must be to you and your few conservative comrades that the Neo-Con Pope you had hoped for seems to be broadly Orthodox and concerned with more than your short list of wedge issues. I realize that it must be tough for you to accept that the Holy Father realizes that "Pro-Life" has a little something to do with global enviromental catastrophes.

I also know you may find it repugnant that B16 is using carbon offsets like Al Gore, but have strength my friend, an Encyclical explaining all this Climate mumbo jumbo for the non-believers is on its way.

In the meantime I would like to suggest some reading. His Excellency, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations gave a speech in Ohio earlier this year on Climate Change. He made reference to how humans are part of the problem and part of the solution. Surprisingly enough, he also made reference to tilling and taking care of, of course referencing our responsibility to the earth we all live on. You might even be stunned to read the part where Archbishop Migliore talks about a more detailed Catholic vision for common action. Read more of the Archbishops speech here.

You know Deal, the reality is, if we do not have a planet to inhabit, at the end of it all, no other issues really matter, do they?

Best Regards,
