Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ann Coulter and the "Catholic Encyclopedia"

There were those in the 1930s and 40s who wanted to eliminate Jews from the world. Today people of similar thought just want to “perfect” them. Last week the infamous right wing shrill Ann Coulter told CNBC’s Donnie Deutch (A Jew): “We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say … Christians believe the Old Testament (Jews) don’t believe our testament.”

Apparently Ann Coulter is under the impression that “everyone” should be a Christian. This bible lesson is brought to us by the foul mouthed Coulter, whose fashion apparel is more suited to walking the boulevard in Las Vegas than teaching a bible study class. When Ann is done teaching Christianity 101 to the nation, we suggest she take some history: "The constitutional freedom of religion [is] the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights." --Thomas Jefferson: Virginia Board of Visitors Minutes, 1819. ME 19:416

Today from a Newsmax report (online news entertainment for conservatives), an obviously incoherent Ann Coulter replied to criticisms by the National Jewish Democratic Council and Catholics United.

First up was the NJDC statement. Ann says: "Let's rewrite the NJDC statement to refer to what I actually said: 'How does someone who says it would be better if everyone were a Christian or practicing Jew continue to receive a megaphone and platform from the news networks? When will the media say ‘enough is enough’?

Indeed. When will the media say enough is enough of Ann Coulter. At times, watching Ann stumble over herself is more disturbing than Brittney Spears at the MTV awards. They do dress the same it seems.

Next in the ambush set up by Newsmax was Catholics United and their director Chris Korzen.

Korzen stated: "For her to suggest somehow we'd all be better off if we were all Christian is not only insulting to millions of people who aren't Christian, its completely un-American."

Ann says: "That's interesting. Korzen shills for the pro-abortion Democrats and the anti-war left. He used the Catholic label to oppose the nomination of John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations. “

The list of the wingnuts, Republicans, Neo Cons and Nutjobs that Coulter shills for would require another post or maybe an entire website.

Now for the translation: Ann and her Catholic consultants (Deal Hudson) are upset because Catholics United has supported SCHiP legislation and challenged the pro life credentials of so called “pro life” Republicans. Apparently Ann and her consultants find it very un Catholic to support health care for poor children. This type of thinking is at the core of the conservative conscious. After all wasn’t Ronald Reagan who poked fun of President Kennedy who once referred to hungry children in America going to bed hungry, by saying it was not hunger, but simply a diet the children were on. The conservative conscious would say that poor kids simply need to build up a natural resistance to disease and do not need health care. Pull up your boot straps.

“He sneered at this year's National Catholic Prayer Breakfast at which President Bush spoke, saying: 'Let's be honest, this event would be more accurately labeled the 'Republican Catholic Strategy Breakfast.”

Umm? What is your point Ann? It is doubtful Mr. Korzen sneered, but you would be the expert on sneering. This so called “Prayer” breakfast has long been a gathering paid for and attended by well healed Neo Con Catholics on the fringe. No Democrats or mainstream grassroots Catholics allowed.

“He was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor of August 27, 2007, defending pro-abortion Democrat politicians: 'There are those who say that Catholics should be robots. There's a formula, and if we don't follow that formula, we shouldn't present ourselves for communion on Sunday morning. That's an absolute misuse of Catholic teaching,' he said, referring to the call of several Catholic bishops in the 2004 campaign to deny communion to Senator Kerry and other Catholic politicians who did not vote in line with Vatican teachings on abortion. “So Korzen believes Catholics should not be 'robots' when it comes to opposing abortion. He believes Catholics should be robots in opposing the teachings of the New Testament - as clearly stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA?? Is this something that we missed when we were young? Was it a special edition sold along side World Book Encyclopedia?? So Ann is an expert on Catholic Teaching now and she gets her word straight from the “Catholic Encyclopedia”? Obviously her consultant missed this part of the interview. We suggest that when Ann recovers from her hangover that she look up “prudence” in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Of course then under the advice of her Catholic Consultants, Ann throws in the complimentary Fr. Richard John Neuhaus.” quote. Yawn…. we won't reproduce it here. It is the usual right wing blah blah blah.

Said Ann: "Korzen speaks for Catholics like Barry Lynn speaks for Christians or Gloria Steinem speaks for women - or I speak for Muslims."

Aren't Catholics Christians?? Poor Barry - only speak to Christians - leave those Catholics to Ann. And if it weren't for women like Gloria, Ann would be barefoot in some kitchen in Kentucky cooking up bacon for her man and tending to her 12 kids. (ok -we digress - but it is fun to dream)

Our advice to Ann – Don’t try and speak to Catholics or for Catholics again. Better yet – just don’t speak.

The world could not be that fortunate.