Saturday, April 7, 2007

Pope Benedict: Rich Nations Have 'Plundered' the Third World

Cross posted from "Catholics United for the Common Good.

In his new book, Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict condemns the effects colonialism has had on Third-World countries, and especially throughout Africa. For the illusory benefits of power and profit, the pope writes, the world's rich nations have "plundered and sacked" Africa and other poor regions, equating the current situation to the parable of the Good Samaritan.

According to Reuters
, the pope is calling wealthy nations to task for the current disparity between rich and poor, and says that they must work to rectify the situation and promote the justice and equality of all.

Pope Benedict's words should serve as a reminder to us all that historically speaking, our nation owes its prosperity to the hard work of others, and that before pointing fingers at the poor and dispossessed we must look at how our own lifestyles affect a troubled world. This is especially important when approaching situations in Iraq and Sudan, and the ongoing controversy in our own country over immigration.

lmerlini's blog Posted Thu, 2007-04-05 13:56.