Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bless me Father for I have sinned - my last confession was...

Remember? Those of you old enough to remember confession remember that opening line and the confessional booth. I remember going with my parents to stand in line on a Saturday night or before holy days to confess to the Priest all the sinning I had done as a 10 yr old. One would enter the confessional booth - a two sided box with a kneeler for the sinner on one side and the Priest hidden on the other. There was a widow with a screen in it and curtain so you could not see him or he you. I know he always peeked to see who was walking in - but it still had the feel of anonymity .

10 yr old Eamon: umm Hi Father - I told a lie, ummm I cursed, umm I looked at the National Geographic and had impure thoughts....ummm. - Father: "For your sins Eamon - you will say 3 Hail Marys - now run along." 10 yr old Eamon: Gee - thanks Father! Golly I feel pure now!

Then came the Confessional Reformation. Down came the booths and in walked Dr. Phil. Now they wanted us to sit eye to eye and tell the Priest our deepest darkest secrets. Right! - so the lines for Confession became smaller and many of us Catholics went less and less and now they call it the "Sacrament of Reconciliation".

I miss the grand ole days of the confessional where I could cleanse my soul of my sinning. Now because of the Dr. Phil experience I feel dirty and my soul is full of sin. Can I get a booth and curtain call?

National Catholic Reporter has a great story on the state of confession today...